7月, 2017年
河长制河长治——福建大田走出治河新路 – 中国新闻网
中国新闻网 |
中国新闻网 中新网福州7月31日电(叶秋云)沿着福建省三明市大田县武陵乡大石村的河岸缓步行走,路旁绿油油的稻田,印着护河“三字经”的牌子,堤坝上画着的护河壁画都十分亮眼。 中新网记者正巧碰到了从家中走出的陈世衍。68岁的陈 … |
Microsoft starts shipping its own keyboard with built-in Windows Hello sign-in – ZDNet
ZDNet |
Microsoft starts shipping its own keyboard with built-in Windows Hello sign-in
ZDNet Microsoft has begun shipping its previously announced new keyboard with built-in Windows Hello fingerprint sign-in. mshellofingerprintsensor.jpg. The Microsoft Modern Keyboard with Fingerprint ID enables Windows 10 users to sign into Windows devices … |
Microsoft starts shipping its own keyboard with built-in Windows Hello sign-in – ZDNet
ZDNet |
Microsoft starts shipping its own keyboard with built-in Windows Hello sign-in
ZDNet Microsoft has begun shipping its previously announced new keyboard with built-in Windows Hello fingerprint sign-in. mshellofingerprintsensor.jpg. The Microsoft Modern Keyboard with Fingerprint ID enables Windows 10 users to sign into Windows devices … |
Briton convicted of importing child sex doll in landmark case – Reuters UK
Briton convicted of importing child sex doll in landmark case
Reuters UK LONDON (Reuters) – A British man was convicted on Monday of importing a lifelike child sex doll in what police said was a landmark case in the fight against a new form of sex crime against children. David Turner, 72, admitted having sex with the … |
It’s not Trump Inc. anymore, it’s the presidency: Ed Rollins – Fox Business
It's not Trump Inc. anymore, it's the presidency: Ed Rollins
Fox Business Trump 'Great America PAC' co-chair Ed Rollins on President Trump replacing Chief of Staff Reince Priebus with Department of Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly. Category. News & Politics. License. Standard YouTube License. Show more. Show less … |
It’s not Trump Inc. anymore, it’s the presidency: Ed Rollins – Fox Business
It's not Trump Inc. anymore, it's the presidency: Ed Rollins
Fox Business Trump 'Great America PAC' co-chair Ed Rollins on President Trump replacing Chief of Staff Reince Priebus with Department of Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly. Category. News & Politics. License. Standard YouTube License. Show more. Show less … |
Discovery acquires Scripps for $14.6B – Fox Business
Discovery acquires Scripps for $14.6B
Fox Business FBN's Dagen McDowell on the deal for Discovery to buy Scripps. Category. News & Politics. License. Standard YouTube License. Show more. Show less. Comments. Default profile photo. Add a public comment… Cancel. Autoplay When autoplay is enabled, … |
60.000 Besucher beim Popfest – ORF.at
ORF.at |
60.000 Besucher beim Popfest
ORF.at Rund 60.000 Besucher an vier Tagen hat die heurige Ausgabe des Wiener Popfests am und rund um den Karlsplatz gezählt. Damit lag man auf Vorjahresniveau, teilten die Veranstalter mit. Die neunte Auflage im Jahr 2018 ist bereits fixiert. Den größten … |
60.000 Besucher beim Popfest – ORF.at
ORF.at |
60.000 Besucher beim Popfest
ORF.at Rund 60.000 Besucher an vier Tagen hat die heurige Ausgabe des Wiener Popfests am und rund um den Karlsplatz gezählt. Damit lag man auf Vorjahresniveau, teilten die Veranstalter mit. Die neunte Auflage im Jahr 2018 ist bereits fixiert. Den größten … |
New Zealander paints his own parking restrictions – BBC News
BBC News |
New Zealander paints his own parking restrictions
BBC News A New Zealand activist who has unlawfully painted yellow line parking restrictions outside his house in Wellington for the last 20 years says he has done so to improve road safety and to protest against gentrification. Russell Taylor said it was … |