8月, 2017年
空调不制冷维修工要价上千元最后花150元搞定 – 新浪网
新浪网 |
新浪网 原标题:坑啊!空调不制冷临高一维修工要价近1000元最后花150元搞定. 男子反映:空调不制冷临高一维修工“狮子大开口”要价近1000元. 最后花150元就搞定了. 本报讯近期我省持续高温,许多居民家的空调高负荷运转,出问 … |
Beware: Trump may use the alt-right to turn himself into the center – Washington Post
Washington Post |
Beware: Trump may use the alt-right to turn himself into the center
Washington Post The truly shocking thing, looking back at what has been written and said since the events in Charlottesville, is that anybody is shocked. Donald Trump's first appearance on the front page of the New York Times was in 1973, when President Richard Nixon … |
White supremacists take DNA tests, find they’re not so white – CNET
White supremacists take DNA tests, find they're not so white
CNET Technically Incorrect offers a slightly twisted take on the tech that's taken over our lives. White Supremacists March with Torches in Charlottesville. What is white? And why is it supreme? / Getty Images. Which of us is pure? Pure of spirit, pure of … |
Bannon’s stunningly irresponsible words – CNN
Bannon's stunningly irresponsible words
CNN Errol Louis is the host of "Inside City Hall," a nightly political show on NY1, a New York all-news channel. The opinions expressed in this commentary are his own. (CNN) Everything we know about Steve Bannon's interview with Robert Kuttner, editor of … |
Bannon’s stunningly irresponsible words – CNN
Bannon's stunningly irresponsible words
CNN Errol Louis is the host of "Inside City Hall," a nightly political show on NY1, a New York all-news channel. The opinions expressed in this commentary are his own. (CNN) Everything we know about Steve Bannon's interview with Robert Kuttner, editor of … |
航天文化走入寻常百姓家 – 新华网
新华网 |
新华网 本报讯(记者张璐)作为推广航天文化的有益尝试,航天文化产品暨航天主题展新闻发布会昨天在天津高新区举行。高新区企业永泰行(天津)商业信息咨询有限公司将携手天津航天北斗科技发展有限公司等单位,共同打造系列主 … |
最小的户外咖啡机可以让旅途变惬意的小装备 – 新浪网
新浪网 |
新浪网 你有没有想过在野营、徒步旅行或是在户外玩耍时,都可以喝到一杯浓郁香醇的咖啡? 在树林里可能找不到星巴克,但是有了Wacaco,它就能带给你一款迷你便携式咖啡机,这款咖啡机是目前为止世界上最小的户外浓缩咖啡机 … |
长治医学院附属和平医院原院长魏武被开除公职 – 新华网
新华网 |
新华网 本报讯8月17日,山西省纪委监委网站发布消息,经查,长治市政协原副主席、长治医学院附属和平医院原院长魏武严重违纪违法,依据有关规定,经省纪委监委会议研究并报省委批准,决定给予魏武开除公职处分。 (本报记者). +1 … |
军训!哈三中要求自备这些,9中已开始……你们学校进展到哪了? – 搜狐
搜狐 |
搜狐 现在新高一的关键词就是——军训!据小编了解,122中在15日就完成了军训,大庆实验即将开始,哈三中将在21日开始,哈九中已训练3天了…… 军训未开始…… 哈三中. 面对开学后的第一次大考验,家长要准备一些什么?请 … |
Why George Guidall Is the Undisputed King of Audiobooks – New York Times
New York Times |
Why George Guidall Is the Undisputed King of Audiobooks
New York Times George Guidall, who has been the voice of more than 1,300 audiobooks, in the recording studio. Credit Eva Deitch for The New York Times. Early in his career as a narrator of audiobooks, George Guidall received a note from a truck driver in Montana. |