7月, 2017年
JK Rowling called ‘disgraceful liar’ by Piers Morgan following Trump accusations – Fox News
Fox News |
JK Rowling called 'disgraceful liar' by Piers Morgan following Trump accusations
Fox News Piers Morgan (left) called J.K. Rowling (right) a "disgraceful liar" after she accused President Trump of snubbing a wheelchair-bound boy. (Reuters). J. K. Rowling has been labelled a “disgraceful liar” by Piers Morgan after falsely accusing President … |
Trump, Abe agree to increase pressure on North Korea – ABC News
ABC News |
Trump, Abe agree to increase pressure on North Korea
ABC News Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe told reporters he and President Trump spoke by phone and "fully agreed" the U.S. and Japan need to "take further action" after North Korea's latest missile launch. |
Venezuela’s Maduro claims poll victory as opposition cries foul – BBC News – BBC News
BBC News |
Venezuela's Maduro claims poll victory as opposition cries foul – BBC News
BBC News Electoral officials in Venezuela say turnout in the controversial election for a constituent assembly was 41.5%, a figure disputed by the opposition. The opposition coalition said 88% of voters abstained and it refused to recognise the election. It … |
Pakistani man addicted to eating rocks – Voice of America
Pakistani man addicted to eating rocks
Voice of America This Pakistani man is addicted to eating rocks, but he wants to quit. VOA Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/voiceofameri… Category. News & Politics. License. Standard YouTube License. Show more. Show less. Comments • 1. Default profile photo. |
Pakistani man addicted to eating rocks – Voice of America
Pakistani man addicted to eating rocks
Voice of America This Pakistani man is addicted to eating rocks, but he wants to quit. VOA Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/voiceofameri… Category. News & Politics. License. Standard YouTube License. Show more. Show less. Comments • 1. Default profile photo. |
Nashville mayor’s son dies of apparent overdose – BBC News
BBC News |
Nashville mayor's son dies of apparent overdose
BBC News Nashville Mayor Megan Barry has said her 22-year-old son died of what appeared to be a drug overdose, according to a family statement. Max Barry "suffered from an overdose and passed away" in Denver on Saturday, said Ms Barry and her husband, Bruce. |
Nashville mayor’s son dies of apparent overdose – BBC News
BBC News |
Nashville mayor's son dies of apparent overdose
BBC News Nashville Mayor Megan Barry has said her 22-year-old son died of what appeared to be a drug overdose, according to a family statement. Max Barry "suffered from an overdose and passed away" in Denver on Saturday, said Ms Barry and her husband, Bruce. |
Pence verspricht Baltikum militärischen Beistand – Deutsche Welle
Pence verspricht Baltikum militärischen Beistand
Deutsche Welle Bei seinem Besuch in Estland hat Vizepräsident Mike Pence den baltischen Gastgebern Unterstützung zugesagt. Das begründet er vor allem mit einem gemeinsamen Feindbild: Russland. Lettland US-Soldaten (picture-alliance/dpa/V. Kalnina). US-Soldaten … |
Pence verspricht Baltikum militärischen Beistand – Deutsche Welle
Pence verspricht Baltikum militärischen Beistand
Deutsche Welle Bei seinem Besuch in Estland hat Vizepräsident Mike Pence den baltischen Gastgebern Unterstützung zugesagt. Das begründet er vor allem mit einem gemeinsamen Feindbild: Russland. Lettland US-Soldaten (picture-alliance/dpa/V. Kalnina). US-Soldaten … |
河长制河长治——福建大田走出治河新路 – 中国新闻网
中国新闻网 |
中国新闻网 中新网福州7月31日电(叶秋云)沿着福建省三明市大田县武陵乡大石村的河岸缓步行走,路旁绿油油的稻田,印着护河“三字经”的牌子,堤坝上画着的护河壁画都十分亮眼。 中新网记者正巧碰到了从家中走出的陈世衍。68岁的陈 … |